The Wisdom of The Elder
Once upon a time, nestled at the foot of the majestic Grand Mountain was a small yet lively village named Berrington. In this village, lived a wise and beloved elder named Elijah, renowned for his wisdom and often looked upon for guidance by the villagers.
One clear summer day, the village was visited by a young boy named Noah. Noah was known to be daring and free-spirited, characteristics deeply admired in the city but met with skepticism in the humble village of Berrington. Legend had it that a mystical treasure was buried in the lands of the Grand Mountain. When Noah learned of the legend, he felt a burning desire to find it, hoping to attain glorious recognition.
As was the tradition in Berrington, he travelled to Elder Elijah's house for counsel gathering his courage and walked up to the old man's doorstep. Upon hearing the young boy's passionate declaration to find the treasure, Elijah was contemplative and then responded with a riddle: 'Each journey begins and ends with strife, yet is measured not by its end but by the life lived while traveling.'
Confused by the riddle, Noah left the elder's home, puzzled yet determined to decipher its underlying meaning. He embarked on his journey to Grand Mountain the next morning. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, each step forward filled with treacherous tests, and each test embedded with lessons of courage, resilience, and humility.
As Noah ventured forward, encountering and overcoming daunting challenges, he connected with the rustic nature, appreciated the simple living of the creatures of the woods, helped fellow travelers, and understood the value of kindness and compassion.
Months after, Noah found the spot hinted at in the legend. Sliding away the undergrowth revealed a slab that lead to the mystical treasure. Struggling and heaving, Noah managed to push the slab away, unveiling the supposed treasure.
However, instead of mountains of gold and jewellery Noah had expected, there lay an ancient, weathered scroll. Upon it were written words that mirrored Elder Elijah’s riddle, 'Life is not about the treasures you gain, but the love you scatter on your way.'
A flash of realization dawned on Noah. He understood the wisdom behind Elijah's words. The true treasure was not materialistic wealth; instead, it was the wisdom he gained, the people he met, the kindness he spread, and the lives he touched during his journey. The tale of Noah and his adventure became a cherished lore among the villagers. It reminded them of life's treasures, that they lie not in materialistic attainments but in the journey, the love, and the wisdom gained along the way.