The secrets of the time vessel

In the endless expanse of the cosmos, a civilization had blossomed beyond the bounds of time itself: the Ludreyans. They were a race of hyper-intelligent beings who had mastered time travel. Their exploration of the universe was not limited by centuries or millennia, they moved freely throughout the space-time smorgasbord. They made this possible through a delicate artifact known as the 'Time Vessel'.
Eons ago, Yaldrin, one of the wisest of the Ludreyans, discovered that certain crystals executed unusual behavior when subjected to specific vibrations. As he modified the phenomena, he unearthed astonishing truths about the nature of time and space. After centuries of research, the Time Vessel was created.
Time travel among the Ludreyans was an exotic concept, yet only approached with respect and cautious discipline. Strict laws were formed: Time Manipulation Absolute Prohibition, to avoid tampering with the cosmic balance. Despite this, corsairs and renegades persistently sought after this tantalizing power of tampering with time.
One such renegade was Zeralyn. A former pupil of Yaldrin, Zeralyn was swayed to the darker lanes of desire and power, a termination line for morality. He regarded the Time Vessel as a great power held hostage by academic hesitance. He desired to exercise its full potential, even if it was against the cosmic laws.
Zeralyn plotted an intricate heist, involving multiple clones of himself from different time waves, to seize the Vessel. His preparations spanned across decades. He pledged to obtain the Vessel, take control of the time-stream, and reign as the imperious master of the cosmos.
Despite Zeralyn's meticulous planning, a significant entity stood in his way: Yaldrin. Being Zeralyn's former mentor, Yaldrin was aware of his ambitions. He remained vigilant, safeguarding the Time Vessel from inevitable attacks.
The day arrived when Zeralyn enacted his plan. The Ludreyan council chamber was filled with Zeralyn's clones. In the ensuing chaos, the original Zeralyn aimed to take the Vessel. The Time Vessel, imbued with cosmic power, pulsated with a rhythmic wiz. It almost seemed like it sensed the imminent peril, an unusual reaction for an inanimate object.
Amidst the confusion, Yaldrin entered the chamber. His eyes, filled with resolute determination, sought out his wayward pupil. The room fell silent as time seemed to crawl to a stop; a fitting state of reverence as the two mighty beings stared each other down.
Zeralyn insisted on Yaldrin standing aside, promising to restore glory to the Ludreyans by becoming the supreme rulers of the universe. Yaldrin, vehemently against this ambition, declared he would protect the cosmic balance at all costs.
A fierce battle commenced, Yaldrin pitted against Zeralyn and his clones, all vying for the Vessel. As the clash evolved, Yaldrin found himself overpowered and exhausted. It was then, under the looming shadow of defeat, he reached for a power he'd vowed to never wield— the Time Vessel.
As Yaldrin harnessed the vessel's power, he erased Zeralyn's clones from the time stream. The original Zeralyn, however, remained unchanged. He realized too late the fatal flaw of his plan; the one who wields the Vessel is immune to its effects.
In a final bid, Yaldrin turned his attention to Zeralyn, sending him far into the future, a period slaved to solitude and desolation. The battle was over, the Vessel was safe, and the cosmic balance, protected.
After the ordeal, Yaldrin persuaded the council to send the Time Vessel backwards, weaving it into the primitive past of Earth, a planet deemed incapable of understanding its power. A decision made to meet the safety of the Vessel and symbolize their collective wisdom, learning from the past to guard their future.
Thus ends the tale of the Time Vessel, an artifact of immense power, a testament to the Ludreyan civilization, and an eerie reminder of the cost of unyielding ambition.