The Legend of Zanerra: Elara and the Beast

Centuries ago, in a small village known as Zanerra, a mysterious event took place. The villagers lived a simple life; tilling lands, growing crops, raising cattle and celebrating small joys. Among the villagers, an elder named Bartol was revered as the village's protector and seer. His tales of valor, wisdom and prophecies held everyone in awe.
On a particularly cold winter's day, while the villagers gathered by the hearth, Bartol began to tell a tale not told before. A terrifying prophecy of a beast awakening under a blood-red moon that would devour the village if not tamed with a heart of courage and an act of tremendous sacrifice.
As the prophecy hung heavy in the air, unease crept amongst the villagers. And then, one by one, ominous signs began to reveal themselves. Crops withered, cattle fell sick, and a thick fog veiled the once bright sun. The blood-red moon was approaching.
Among the villagers, there was a young woman named Elara. She, too, lived a simple life, taking care of her aging father and young brother. She heard the prophecy and felt a peculiar stirring within her. Fear, yes, but more intensely, she felt a calling, a need to protect her village.
Determined, Elara went to Bartol and expressed her intention to face the beast. The villagers thought she was insane, but Bartol simply asked, 'Are you prepared to make the sacrifice, Elara?'
'I am,' she said, her voice unwavering.
The night of the blood-red moon arrived, and the beast awaken from its slumber. Its roars echoed through Zanerra, causing mayhem and panic. Armed with nothing but a traveler's cloak, a lantern and her iron-will, Elara stepped into the heart of the darkness, towards the beast.
Under the blood-red moon, Elara stood in front of the beast, staring into its malevolent eyes. She swallowed her fear and softly spoke, asking it to spare her people. The beast roared, threatening, but Elara did not falter. She told it about her village, about the simple joys they celebrated and the lives they cherished.
Touched by her courage, the beast transformed into a magnificent crimson dragon, its eyes now a wise, ancient gold. It revealed that it was cursed to destroy, but Elara’s courage and sacrifice had broken the spell.
'My curse is lifted because of you, Elara. Ask what you wish of me, and I shall do my best to give it,' the dragon said.
'I only ask for my village to be safe, forevermore,' Elara replied.
The dragon granted her wish, spreading a protective enchantment all over Zanerra, and flew away, leaving behind a glorious trail of twinkling stardust.
Elara returned to her awestruck village as a savior. Her act of courage and sacrifice became a tale of its own, told for generations to come. The prophecy had indeed come true, but no one anticipated that the heart of courage would belong to Elara, and the act of sacrifice would be her confrontation with her fear, paving the path for Zanerra's enduring safety and prosperity.