The Forgotten Keeper of Light
Once upon a time, in a realm between reality and the unimaginable, a land named Solis existed. Solis was a golden city that was eternally bathed in sunlight. The city dripped with gold, emanating a glow so bright, so breathtakingly beautiful, it was as if the stars themselves were captured to light this magnificent city.
Basking under this radiant sunlight were the city-dwellers; humanoid figures who glowed the same golden hue as their city. These were the luminous Solians - the children of light, born from the sun's radiant power.
The secret to Solis' eternal sunlight was the grand Obsidian Tower at the city's heart. The tower was a colossal, magnificent structure topped with a massive sundial. Atop the tower, an eternal flame, the Sun-Fire, burned. The obsidian worked as a magnifying glass, focusing the Sun-Fire's rays onto the sundial, casting life-bearing sunlight over the city. Only one Solian, the Keeper of Light, was endowed with the task of maintaining this flame.
Decades ago, the first Keeper of Light, Arridon, breathed his last breath, leaving his son Arramus, a young, ambitious Solian, to carry forth the tradition. Years passed, and the city thrived under Arramus' diligent vigil.
However, Arramus was fascinated by the darkness. Night, the foreign concept, intrigued him. Unlike his father, he didn't fear darkness but yearned to experience it. His desire led him to make a choice that changed Solis' fate.
One evening, Arramus extinguished the Sun-Fire. He stared at his golden hands, watching as the glow started to fade. As darkness washed over the city, a collective gasp echoed through Solis. Panic spread as the Solians tried to grasp at the fading light. The beauty of the city was diminished, its golden hue lost to the dark.
Word of Arramus' act reached the Solian Council quickly. Infuriated and terrified, the councilstripped Arramus of his title and divorced him. He was henceforth, the 'Forgotten Keeper. But Arramus had already achieved what he wanted. He experienced the darkness. It didn’t appeal as much as he thought it would.
Now, a glimmer of regret formed in his heart, for he remembered the joy the sunlight had brought to his people. Pained with guilt, he confessed his folly to the council. Although still angry, they realized that he was their only hope of reigniting the Sun-Fire. They agreed to give him a chance but warned him of severe consequences if he failed.
With the council's approval, Arramus embarked on a perilous journey. He travelled through the long-forgotten underground tunnels filled with horrific shadow beasts that roved blindly in the void. Battling his way through, he reached the legendary Phoenix Chamber where the first Sun-Fire was obtained.
Calling upon the Sacred Phoenix, Arramus presented his case. He spoke not as an exiled Keeper but as a humble Solian filled with remorse. The phoenix, moved by his sincerity, bequeathed upon him, a small spark, the New Sun-Fire.
Armed with the hope of his city, Arramus hurried back to Solis. In the blackened city, he climbed the Obsidian Tower amidst the square filled with anxious Solians. He placed the spark in the dormant chamber. With a tremendous flare, the Sun-Fire ignited, bathing the city once again in its soft, golden light. Golden hues returned, and the darkness was driven away.
Upon witnessing this, the Solians erupted in a cheer so staggering that the phoenix herself fluttered in the skies above the city, lighting it up even brighter. The council, witness to this grand event, could not help but reinstate Arramus as the 'Resurrected Keeper', vowing never to forget his brave journey.
The tale of Arramus, the Forgotten Keeper who became the Resurrected Keeper spreads far and wide. Solis found it's light again, and the Solians kept their hearts close to both the darkness and the light, cherishing the duality that formed their world.