The Benevolent Raven and the Stone of Wishes

Once upon a time, in a town named Galadena, there lived a poor boy named Niko. He lived with his aging mother in a small, rundown house located at the outskirts of the town. Despite their poverty, Niko's mother always managed to create happiness in their life with her anecdotes and lively spirit.
One day, Niko was out hunting and came across a wounded raven. Its wing was broken, rendering it immobile. Niko had a tender heart, he couldn't leave the creature in pain. He gently gathered the raven and carried it home. His mother was surprised, yet she too helped Niko tend to the bird. They fixed its wing and nurtured it until it was strong enough to fly again.
Days passed, and Niko and his mother grew fond of the raven, named it 'Feathers'. Finally, the day came when Feathers was completely healed. Niko and his mother decided that Feathers should be free. It was a bittersweet farewell, yet they knew it was the right thing to do.
However, the next day, Feathers returned. Delighted Niko thought that maybe Feathers was back because it didn't want to leave them. But he noticed something peculiar; Feathers had something tied around its neck. It was a small pouch containing a single, shiny stone. Niko remembered his mother's tales about the legendary 'Stone of Wishes' that granted infinite riches to whoever owned it.
Believing it to be the Stone of Wishes, excitement surged through them, and they were holding breaths as Niko made the first wish - for a million gold coins. To their astonishment, coins started to appear out of thin air, raining down till it totaled a million. Their joy knew no bounds; they danced and laughed, thanking Feathers and their good fortune.
News of their sudden wealth spread across the town. The once neglected and poor family was now the richest in Galadena. However, with wealth came unexpected prying eyes. The envious town's dictator, Gruzz, wanted to rob them of their stone and their wealth.
One dark night, Gruzz's men attacked Niko's house, overpowering them and attempted to steal the stone. Just when all hope seemed lost, Feathers swooped down, squawking loudly, its eyes ablaze. It looked larger and more formidable than ever before.
In an instant, Gruzz's men were surrounded by a large, glossy flock of ravens. The birds attacked vigorously, chasing them away. It was nothing short of a miracle. The town breathed in awe as a once wounded raven came back to rescue its savior.
With fear and regret, Gruzz fled, leaving the town forever. The townsfolk rejoiced, thanking Niko, his mother, and, most importantly, Feathers. The rest of their days were filled with peace and prosperity, all thanks to a generous raven and the legendary Stone of Wishes.
The story of Niko, his mother, and Feathers spread across towns and villages. It served as a reminder that compassion prevails over greed, letting people know that loving and respecting all creatures could be rewarded in the most unexpected ways.