Legend Rhodin: The Unlikely Hero of Lamaria
The prosperous city of Lamaria stood at the brink of peril. Over the centuries, Lamaria had grown beyond everyone's comprehension, bustling with new trades, and home to around sixty thousand citizens. It was an apex of the human spirit, a testament to the City Council's relentless pursuit of excellence and harmony. Yet, they were about to face their biggest challenge yet; an oblivion they couldn't negotiate with. For the mighty Kaldon, the scale-bearer dragon, had been awakened from his slumber in a distant land and was en route to Lamaria, its heart pulsating with the purpose of vengeance.
The story of Kaldon was familiar to all Lamerians. He was a dragon of terrifying power, a beast that was trapped and put into hibernation by the city's ancestor lanerians, using a legendary artifact, the Titan's Cudgel. But centuries later, the tudan tribe released Kaldon, hoping to harness its power against their enemies. Kaldon, free, and filled with rage, annihilated the tudans and declared war against the Lamerian empire, who were responsible for his ancient humiliation.
Lamaria, however, was not short of courage. They stood stoutly, sustaining the spirit of resistance and their ancient war cry rang across the meadows, 'Glory to the loyal, death to the adversaries.'
Legend Rhodin, a stonemason's son, was unordinary. He wasn't the strongest or handsome, neither was he idealized by masses. Yet he held an enduring spirit, a spark hidden beneath an illusion of commonality. Legend grasped the essence of Lamaria's imminent danger quicker than anyone else, resolving to halt Kaldon's impending doom.
Days merged into nights as Legend travelled through treacherous terrains, crossing the labyrinth of the Deadwood forest, navigating the chilling winds of Mount Stoorman and surviving the stench of the Troll's swamp. His journey led him to the sacred ruins of Papyrium, once known for its divine scholars and ancient wisdom. Legend recited the prophecy ascribed on the time-worn stones,'The one who seeks Titan's Cudgel will find it beneath a sea of clouds, guarded by Sky Sirens in the Faedal sky.'
Powered by the prophecy, Legend hiked up the neverending Faedal peak, reaching the sky above clouds. The enchanting sirens, captivated by his resolve, allowed him to take the Titan's cudgel for the fated battle against Kaldon.
The city of Lamaria watched with bated breath as weary yet determined, Legend stepped into the city square, holding the Cudgel high. The crowd stood silent—filled with fear and hope—looking up at the circling dragon bleating fire.
'For Lamaria!' Legend roared, charging at Kaldon. Upon striking the cudgel at Kaldon's scales, they resonated with a blinding light, casting Kaldon into an eternal slumber once more. The appalling silence quivered with the cheer for Legend. Lamaria stood unscathed.
The prophecy proved true. Legend, the unsung hero, the stonemason's son, had saved Lamaria, embodying the maxim 'Glory to the loyal, death to the adversaries.' To this day, each child in Lamaria knows the tale of Legend Rhodin, the saviour, who taught them the courage of an ordinary man against extraordinary peril. They learnt, a hero is not only the one with muscles or charm but the one who, when time demands, can harness the courage to face the dragon.