In the Light of the Moon
Once upon a time in the serenity of a small village nestled at the foot of a majestic mountain, there lived a humble yet curious boy named Leo. He was unlike other children of his age. He was not interested in the frivolous games and ordinary chores of village life, instead, he was enthralled by the celestial beauty that unfolded in the night sky. The moon, in particular, cast a spellbinding effect on him.
Leo spent his nights observing the moon, captivating his mind in the cool hues of its mystical light. He used to wonder about the moon's surface, the craters, and dreamt tirelessly about what life would be like up there. His fascination with the moon was so intense; the villagers often jested that Leo and the Moon shared a unique, unspoken bond.
One night, as Leo was staring at the moon, he saw a strange light streak across the sky. He rushed out of his little hut to get a better look. He saw a fiery ball descending fast, heading specifically towards the village. Heart pounding, curiosity igniting like never before, Leo ran towards where the ball appeared to be heading.
In the deepest part of the forest, the fiery ball had nestled itself into a crater it had formed. As Leo approached, he noticed it was no ordinary rock but something astonishingly different. It was a capsule, and from within the capsule, a weak call for help emerged.
With a nervous heart and trembling hands, Leo approached and opened the capsule. Inside, he found a frail-looking creature with a silvery hue shimmering in the moonlight— a moon-being. The moon-being was injured and needed help. Leo, seeing someone in distress, forgot all his fears and hesitations. He bravely helped the moon-being out of the capsule and took him home.
Leo tended to the moon-being's wounds, nursed him with the village's herbs. Gradually, the moon-being started recovering. During this time, the moon-being and Leo formed a strong bond. They shared stories, laughed together, and Leo even taught him some customary Earth games.
Once he recovered, the moon-being thanked Leo and revealed a shocking truth. The moon-being, whose name was Lumo, confessed he was a prince of the moon, who had been on a customary coming-of-age exploration mission when an asteroid hit his capsule, and he ended up on Earth.
Afraid of the potential havoc if news of a moon-being reached the wrong ears, Leo decided to keep Lumo's identity a secret. He devised a strategic plan to repair Lumo's spacecraft using the village's resources without anyone noticing.
Weeks turned into months, and the capsule was finally ready to embark on its journey. It was time for Lumo to return back to the moon. Amidst the silent goodbyes and heavy hearts, Leo felt a part of him going away. Lumo, promising to never forget Leo, thanked him. Their friendship was indeed unusual but strong.
With a massive roar, Lumo's spacecraft punched into the night sky, leaving a fiery trail behind, while Leo watched with teary eyes. In the days that followed, Leo returned to his routine, always remembering Lumo whenever he gazed at the moon. His tale remained a secret with the exception of one unusual thing. Every full moon night, a peculiar celestial constellation would appear in the sky, resembling a twinkling silver 'L'. The villagers referred to it as 'The Moon Boy’s Miracle'. However, only Leo knew it was Lumo's silent thank you and sign of their everlasting, extraordinary friendship.