Alchemy of the Forgotten Wish

Once upon a time, in the mystical realm of Altadia, a land abundant with magic and mythical creatures, there lived a renowned alchemist named Eraldus. Despite being a master of his craft and being able to transform ordinary metals into gold, there was one element of his life he could not change—the sorrow of being unable to have a child of his own.
Eraldus, renowned for defying the laws of nature, felt defeated by this simple act of creation that seemed so natural to everyone else but him. He lived in a sprawling, clothes-gold mansion alone. Except for the occasional visits by fellow alchemists and rare adventurers seeking his knowledge, Eraldus had resigned himself to a life of solitude and eternal silence.
One fated day, a beautiful lady named Seredine visited Eraldus. She was a wish-weaver, an enigmatic being with the power to weave individuals' deepest desires into reality. Struck by Eraldus's solitude and the melancholy that enveloped his home, she offered him a unique opportunity—an audience with The Seeress, who possessed the power to grant a single wish, provided that the wisher was willing to pay the price.
Bewildered, yet filled with hope, Eraldus embarked on a journey to the celestial abode of the Seeress, which existed in the vast cosmos beyond the visible realms of Altadia. The journey was treacherous, fraught with trials that tested Eraldus's mental fortitude and magical prowess. Yet, his desire for a family kept him pushing through the hurdles, one after another.
On arriving at the Seeress's celestial abode, he was met with a resplendent being radiating divine aura. The Seeress, a timeless entity, capturing the vastness of the cosmos in her eyes, regarded Eraldus with a knowing gaze. She had seen countless wish-seekers like him, each bearing a desire pure in its essence yet often tainted by the futility of ambition.
Eraldus, under her divine scrutiny, narrated his most profound desire—his wish to have a child. Understanding his yearning, the Seeress agreed to grant his wish at one condition. Eraldus must surrender his power of alchemy, the ability to turn ordinary metals to gold. He agreed without the slightest hesitation—an alchemist who defies the laws of nature had finally learnt to align his will to it.
After a blinding burst of cosmic energy, Eraldus returned to Altadia, not alone but with a newborn radiating an aura as golden as the divine realm of the Seeress. The price he paid was immense, but the joy of becoming a father was worth every bit of it.
As his child grew, Eraldus learnt the beauty of ordinary things—how the laughter of a child could outshine any golden treasure, how watching his child's first step was more rewarding than any alchemical transformation, and how the love between a father and his child was the most potent magic there ever was – the magic of love.
The tale of Eraldus passed down through generations, a story of an alchemist who traded his magical prowess to fulfil his deepest desire. It was a story that left an indelible mark in the annals of Altadia's history and in the hearts of its inhabitants.
His life's journey was a testament that sometimes the fulfilment of the deepest desire lies in relinquishing the most potent power. And that in a world filled with extraordinary magic, it was the ordinary, often overlooked miracles of life which held the greatest enchantment of all.